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anarkia, 05/10/2009 04:32 PM

Le Royaume Matis

Matis Kingdom

Raffinés, ambitieux, les Matis sont les fiers héritiers d'une très ancienne monarchie et cherchent à restaurer leur royaume perdu. Ces esthètes cultivés aîtrisent la botanique et forment un peuple à la fois romantique et conquérant. Ils estiment que chaque homin doit faire ses preuves pour trouver la place qu'il mérite dans la société. Ce sont les plus fidèles serviteurs de la Karavan.

" A Matis must possess the more noble traits of Hominkind "

A Matis must be loyal, courteous, tenacious, and most of all, reverent. By obeying our king, we are gloryfying Jena, our Goddess, who bestowed on him the divine right. We believe that just as every particle of Jena' s universe has a function, every homin must strive for her or his true place in society.

Jena helps those who help themselves, a Matis must never give in. By striving for success we are making our civilization strong as a whole. Only the best can reach the higher spheres of our society, only the elite can lead our people on.

By manipulating nature, we are elevating our souls nearer to godliness. Indeed, Homin, it's by no mere coincidence that wa have become the Atysian Master Manipulators of plant and animal life. Our weaponry, armor and even familiar household items are living objects!

We have taken root in the forest areas of the new lands where we find every living essence needed for experimentation. We now need to make our new kingdom stronger and better, in the name of Jena.

If noble blood runs through your veins, come swear allegiance to your king ! Our kingdom needs winners !!

So now, homin, if you have some questions ?

Updated by anarkia almost 16 years ago · 2 revisions