Governor Ailan listened to the message, which was frequently interrupted by the hiccups of stress by the Ranger standing in front of her. His clothes in tatters, he related the message describing the emergency the Atys Rangers found themselves in. From hunters to prey, the guild found themselves, and in their own camp, as they were threatened by those they had vowed to confine to the depths of Atys.
With a few words, the Governor dictated her letter to Shaley Nara, the leader of the Guild of Try. The decision was quickly made; The Atys Rangers had long been allies of New Trykoth and must be defended. Soon the call to arms was heard along the docks of Fairhaven and was spread throughout Aeden Aqueous.
OOC: Sunday, 13 December 20:00 GMT, the Trykers are called to aid the Rangers of Atys. The Guild of Try will await the citizens at the northern entrance to Fairhaven.
Nini Cizzo lurked in the shadow of the bush that sheltered her in the Fearing Fens. The Kipestas slowly unfurled their wings, exiting the crater-like tunnel one by one. Rolling their monstrous heads from side to side, the Kitins were exploring the region, fulfilling their role as scouts for the approaching Swarm.
The young rookie of the Karavia Guild had never faced a Swarm before, but like any Matis Vassal, she knew the danger the onslaught of thousands of Kitins on homin cities posed. Breathing carefully, Nini Cizzo gathered her courage and crept through the bushes and past the Kipestas; the King must be informed of the danger that has came up from underneath the bark.
OOC: Friday, 11 December 20:00 GMT, the King will appeal to all Matis Vassals to dispell the Swarm in Upper Bog. All Matis Vassals shall gather at the northern gate of the City of Yrkanis under the command of the Guild of Karavia.
"From the depths come the spawn of the young empress, insects marked with her seal come to trample the Witherings. Their seals are not those of the Great Queen, but from another. They are bred of the Princess."
The Sage of Season is anxious, The word of the Kamis is equally worrying, as it is hard to understand. But in the tormented and metaphorical message of Ma-Duk, one part of the message is at least understandable to the Sage: A shadow grows under the feet of the Masked People. Zoraïs must prepare their weapons. From the City of Zora, the Sage of Season appeals to Insiders and Awakened: The Witherings is threatened.
OOC: Wednesday, 9 December 20:00 GMT, The Zoraï people are called to meet in Temple Hall square in Zora to defend the Witherings.
Aecus staggered slightly as he left Lydix's bar. The morning wore on, chasing the cold darkness out of the desert. The young Fyros was returning home after spending the night talking with his friend about the Emperor's request.
For hours, they had debated about the Kitins and everything that was known about them, and many other patrons were involved in the discussion. But more importantly for Aecus, one of the maids had listened to him with attention, and seemed to have been impressed by his knowledge.
The Fyros smiled at the thought. Impressed by him, who had never really left Pyr, and knowing only what he knew from talking to other Fyros older and more experienced than him.
Satisfied and with a drunken smile on his lips, Aecus returned to his home, which seemed to keep spinning around him.. Tomorrow he would speak to more Fyros and return to Lydix's bar and attempt to impress the waitress again with his knowledge.
Oren-pyr Patriots!
Fortune tellers have predicted it, and the last years painfully confirmed it to us: The Kitin threat, which swarms under our Desert and threatens to swallow our homes, as it formerly swallowed those of our fathers and mothers, has not been dispelled. Each time, our troops were able to push away the Kitins and the building of advance camps allowed us to stem the Great Swarming. But all know that the threat is far from over, and the scout's reports remind us that under our feet Kitin troops seem more agitated than ever.
Our weapons and our courage have protected us every time, but only our knowledge will continue to shield the Desert from danger effectively.
In order to understand this threat better, our Emperor has ordered a major campaign of research into the Kitins, gathering the most learned of the scientists of the Empire so that they may illuminate our people about the nature of Kitins. Archivists also work to collect the information contained in the writings and Amber Cubes inherited from the past.
But this knowledge is currently insufficiently investigated and documented. So, our Emperor calls upon each and every one of us to share our knowledge, direct or indirect, we have on Kitins, because he is certain that the knowledge of some homins has not reached the ears of our scientists.
All those who have some information about Kitins need to report it to Imperial Scientist Meps Kippus.
This knowledge, once verified and compiled, will be embedded in Amber Cubes, just like those made by our ancestors, and entrusted to those of us who are trustworthy.
To the Desert and Knowledge! To protect our homes!
For the Emperor!
OOC: Any information about Kitins obtained by homins should be given to the Imperial Scientist Meps Kippus on the InGame Forums > Fyros Patriots > Knowledge of the Kitins
PYR, Burning Desert - On Holeth, Winderly 24, 3rd AC 2548 (JY) a force of homins set out with the Akenak to investigate the recent gingo attacks. During their investigation they found clues that led them to a certain Mezix.
Mezix, reported to be a real looker, left a trail of death and gingos in her wake. Mezix was somehow able to summon and dismiss her goo infected gingos at whim and led the posse to a great fight. She commanded giant gingos as well as an army of marauders, at least 120 strong. In the end, Mezix herself fought those homins brave enough to try. She was fierce in combat but her own ego got the best of her in the end. Witnesses claim the last words from her lips were, "Forgive me Cinder! Forgive me!"
The investigators then returned to Pyr and spoke with Senator Zekops regarding their investigation. The senator seems to think that the "Cinder" being refered to by Mezix might be Akilia "Cinder" Ash Storm, the daughter of the infamous Melkiar the Black Varinx, the marauder chief from the old lands.
The Pyr Pyre, Tria, Floris 9, 3rd AC 2548(JY)
Chan Ji-Cian and Lady Ailan, New Trykoth Governor, have negotiated arrangement for the extradition of Nung Horongi from the Witherings to Aeden Aqueous. All homins who would like to assist in the escort should meet at the Zora stables on Tria, Thermis 15, 3rd AC 2548(JY)* at 14h.
[*] Sunday 6 December 02:00 GMT and 19:00 GMT
The recent discovery of amber cube fragments in the Witherings has been brought to the attention of Sage Chan Ji-Cian. The sage would like to meet with all homins that have information regarding these fragments on Prima, Medis 25, 3rd AC 2548(JY) at 14h* at the Temple Hall in Zora. Any homin eager to help analyze the fragments are invited to participate as well.
[*] Saturday 5 December 02:00 GMT and 19:00 GMT
Ho, ho, ho!
As snow gently trickles through our wildest dreams, Christmas trees and colored lights illuminate the street and we smile as we hear the excited laughter of children on every street corner - all because of what is commonly known as Christmas - Ryzom shines in the warm light, and mulled wine and chocolate are ready to be enjoyed.
But before you prepare the Christmas goose, experience an Atys Christmas as only you can in Ryzom! Ryzom and the Animation4 team invite you to celebrate the end of 2009. Mark your calendar now because there is much in store for you.
Beginning 1 December 2009, we start with a writing contest! Write a story, poem or an original song around the theme: "Atysmas Tales" and submit them using "Atysmas" in the WebIG ([url=""]or here[/url]).
Your submissions will be accepted from today, 1 December 2009 until 15 December 2009 at midnight (Paris time). Please only one submission for each account, and all sumissions must be in the theme of Atys and Christmas.
From 1st to 20 December all players are invited to read all submissions and rate them. Consider carefully as your rating is final and shall decide the winning stories.
The winning stories will be presented between 20 to 25 December.
Is that everything? Let's think for a moment... hmmmm... Of course not! What would Christmas be without surprises ;P .... We'll give away this: The weekend of 18, 19 and 20 December will have only one goal: Let's have magic!
Good luck to all participants in the story competition. We shall see you soon in Ryzom to live the delights of Christmas together!
You animation team, 
PYR, Burning Desert - A special Akenak meeting was held in which witnesses came forth with information about the attacks of the giant gingos. A fyros woman called Mezix was implicated as accessory in the attacks. Mezix is described as being a "really beautiful blond woman," and was last seen near the passage from the Flaming Forest to Outlaw Canyon. No details of how this woman is connected to the attacks have been released to the press.
Authorities have stated that "this Mezix character must be brought in for questioning. All able homins are requested to help us locate her." Senator Zekops was not available for further comments.
Homins interested in assisting with the ongoing investigation are requested to meet at Cerakos Gate in Pyr at 20h Holeth, Winderly 24, 3rd AC 2548 (JY)*.
The Pyr Pyre, Quinteth, Nivia 29, 2nd AC 2548 (JY)
[*] Sunday 29 November 02:00 GMT and 19:00 GMT