


Spring, when flowers bloom

And so were the similar plans revealed by the leaders. Hominkind seemed willing and able to strengthen its grasp and dominance on the lands chosen for the New Beginning.
Added by Erlan about 15 years ago

And so were the similar plans revealed by the leaders. Hominkind seemed willing and able to strengthen its grasp and dominance on the lands chosen for the New Beginning.

Even after two generations, the events and trauma of the Great Swarming was so deeply rooted in the minds of the peoples that, when the leaders announced their scouts reporting unusual Kitin activitiy in the New Lands, the homins reacted immediately.

As this threat was found to be significant, the leaders began the construction of new encampments throughout the territories their peoples had settled more than sixty Jena Years ago to escape the Kitin. It wasn't beofre long that caravans of Mektoub packers, guided by Patriots, Subjects, Citizens and Initiates were making tracks in the New Lands to supplies for the construction of the military encampments being erected across the bark.

Many hands were needed to aid in the construction of the encampments; people to harvest raw materials for defense and construction and people to transport the heavy packages to the construction sites. The representatives overseeing the work were quickly approached by homins eager to help with the construction of the camps. Patriots went to speak to Abytheus Abygrain on Cheapside Market in Pyr, Anibro Listy near the stables in Yrkanis was the destination for Matis Subjects, Baksan Ba'Darins at the entrance of Fairhaven gave direction to Citizens and Ba-Ci Du near the Zora stables instructed Zoraï Initiates.

Transcripts of the speeches of the Emperor, the King, the Governor and the Grand Sage

Erlan, Chronicler
in The Erlan Chronicles, 2546 AC I.

OOC: You can follow the progress of the building of the encampments here:
