The Followers - Part Two¶
“There, finally the last joint is in place.” Chao-Li said as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.
“Well, for the roof at least.” Feier'an replied as he smiled towards Chao-Li.
“Well, it wasn't there two days ago. So it is progress.” Chao-Li replied, knowing that Feier'an was intentionally teasing him a little, a not uncommon and indeed a welcomed event. The free minds of the Trykers…..
“Haha, yes indeed it is, great work there tall man! Feier'an concurred as he gathered the tools they had used during the day.
The warm sun slowly moved across the sky followed by an orbiting planet with rings that sparkled as the rays from the sun shined through them. It had taken some waiting and some hard work, made even thirstier due to the warm sun, but finally the frame was done and crossing boards that supported it. The roof was constructed so that it would stop the sun from reaching the ground in the middle and also hold off what rain that fell onto it. Even though it was not entirely finished; the troughs were missing and the food holder, it had already started serving its purpose. Underneath the cool shade, their mounts and packers stood together enjoying the fresh breeze in the shadow. They grunted delightedly as Feier'an placed a large bucket of water in front of them and they noisily drank the fresh cold water.
“You have both done well.” Naom'Chi said as the approached them holding a tray with two large tumblers. She was accompanied by Nih'na and Feuor who each held smaller cups which they were drinking from.
“Here, have some refreshments!” she said as she held up the tray.
“Mmm, this brew sure serves to put the energy lost back into the body! I guess that we have to thank the Fyros for that one, haha” Feier'an laughed as he took a huge sip.
“Yes, it was a very successful brew this one.” Chao-Li agreed as he tasted it.
“Daddy, can I have some?” Feuor asked as he had seen how delighted his father had been with the drink, yet not knowing what was in it.
“Yes you may.” Feier'an replied.
“How strange, I knew that Trykers are spirited and free in mind. But as free as this?” Chao-Li asked himself when he heard Feier'an's reply.
“When you are older, my son. For now this is just for me and Chao-Li.” Feier'an added, greatly reassuring Chao-Li.
“Daaaaddy...” Feuor said a bit disappointed.
“There, there. In time you will understand. Now finish your drink, it is good for you.” Feier'an said as he grabbed Feuor and lifted him up into his arms. “You want to be as strong as your old dad, don't you?”
Feuor nodded his agreement while he was almost gulping down his drink. Soon, Limeh came to them holding a bag. In it she had packed some bread and food put on bread to make a sandwich; it was time to celebrate the almost completion of the third building in their little place.
The first two buildings to be raised were the houses. After they had met in the cave, they had chosen to travel together to find a new home. They had wandered through the lands seeking for a place to settle down, and eventually they had found one not far off from a small town. Just across a small mountain, near some clear waters they had started to gather the necessary materials. Some kind Homins had lent them rooms to sleep in while they were working on the houses. Everyone had helped as much as they could; Chao-Li and Feier'an had found jobs to get dappers for tools and materials. During their off days they had worked on the houses and hunted to gather materials from the animals around, both for crafting and to render the area safe.
It had transpired that the area held many materials of fine qualities and they had harvested as much as time allowed them to, giving both Naom'Chi and Limeh items to use in their crafting.
Naom'Chi was very skilled in making jewelry of all kinds while Limeh was working on her armour crafting.
It had taken them some time, but as they saw the first house completed, it felt as time had flown them by. They had moved in the same day, both families in the same house while they were finishing the second one. It had been a fun time for them all, the more so since it was something they could never have imagined the first time they met.
“Aahh, that was a good drink.” Feier'an said as he placed the empty tumbler on the tray and grabbed another sandwich.
“Mmm” Chao-Li replied as he closed his eyes and took another sip.
“Seems like they like the effort we placed in it.” Feier'an said as he looked at the construction and the Mektoubs in it. It had been a great relief the day they finally could afford the packers. It made the transportation of materials much easier for them, and it had turned out that word of mouth had made both Limeh and Naom'Chi a name for their crafts as increasing numbers of Homins asked what they would charge for various sets of armours and jewels. Nih'na and Feuor had worked hard to help their mothers; handing them materials, fetching new ones from the store room or cleaning up the left overs.
“How was your crafting today?” Chao-Li asked his wife.
“It was very successful; it seems as if all my hard work and concentration have given good results.” Naom'Chi replied.
“Yes, very successful, I even wore out my tool. I need to buy another one tomorrow.” Limeh filled in as she saw that Feier'an was about to ask her.
“Haha, how many does that make this last week?” Feier'an asked her teasingly.
“Lucky for you that my goods sell so we can afford to buy new.” Limeh said to him and extended her tongue towards him and pinched his arm.
“Ouch, guess I deserved that!” Feier'an said with a happy laugh.
Chao-Li smiled to himself as he took a last lingering sip.
“These Trykers are fun; I never thought I would end up like this.” He thought to himself as he opened his eyes and looked at his family and his friends around him. “This is a good life.”
Updated by limai almost 16 years ago · 2 revisions