


The Great Atysmas Swap

Added by jaliun over 14 years ago

Soon the spirit of Atysmas will fill the hearts of homins with warmth and love of the holiday season on Atys. Like last year, the event team of Arispotle would like to enjoy this contemplative time of Atysmas with you. What you can expect from this year's festival will not yet be revealed completely. However, we are now calling all players who like to give and receive joy to participate in the Great Atysmas Swap.

How does the swap work? Anyone who would like to participate should send an in-game mail to Jaliun by Saturday, 11 December 24:00 GMT with G.A.S. in the subject line. The event team will draw lots to determine to whom you will give a present. On Sunday, 12 December you will receive an in-game mail in which you will learn the name of the homin who will receive your gift. But ssshhh, don't tell anyone who it is!

An event will be held in which the gifts are presented. In order to make it a more enchanting evening, we invite all homins to tell a little Atysmas tale, a mysterious legend, a funny poem, a chilling fairy tale or a romantic story.

We are looking forward to your participation and to this exciting evening of mystery gifting with all of Atys.

Holiday greetings!
