


2552 Akenak Election Results

Added by Stories of Atys over 14 years ago

Senator Dios Apotheps announced the results of the elections with a hint of pride. The Emperor could be proud of his people.

Empire of the Burning Desert

At this year's elections Jena 2552, Patriots voted according to the ancient tradition of The Dagger and chose their Akenak. The fifth session of Akenak will meet on Quarta, Folially 10, 4th AC 2552(JY) * at 13h in the Imperial Palace. Prince Lykos will oversee the inauguration and Senator Dios will discuss formalities of the office.

To serve as Akenak of the Empire for a term of one Jena year, Emperor Dexton calls:
Thedon Garus

Truth! Honor! Discipline! Justice!

[*] Sunday, 3 October 19:00 GMT


Added by Arcueid over 14 years ago

Hooray! Gogo Ffi! :-)