


Hey! Do you wanna play?

Approximately 20 Jena years after the four Marauders made their home in the New Lands, a new Marauder moved in. Determined to show his powers and defy the homins, he summoned them…
Added by anarkia almost 15 years ago

Dante the Teaser gave a last glance on a lock of hair, lovingly kept in a carved wooden medallion. He sighed, “Ah, Mezix, look to me, wherever you might be. You'll be so proud of me.”, he murmured.

With a weary soul and a sharp spirit, the young Marauder approached the exit of the Prime Roots into the New Lands trembling with anticipation. The homins which trailed behind him were fixed in a monotony that had dulled the mind, a monotony which one possesses after several days of deprivation, thirst, and irritation. Dante the Teaser had not abused his homins, no! He had tortured them!

“Dante, let us rest,” groaned one of them.

A mischievous smile formed on the lips of the young Marauder who was dressed in a strange manner. He nodded his head and turned around, “Alright! We pause… If you are able to catch me!”

His childish laugh echoed against the walls of the underground cavern while he sprang in the direction of the New Trykoth. The Marauders who accompanied him sighed and resigned. Soon, they could rest, unless first they die...


A shade quickly moved in the blackness of the night. A shade awaited by Lixie since the message carrying the dark mark of Black Varnix from the Old Lands had reached her. The marauder grimaced, obviously not in a hurry to receive her visitor.

A close chirping suddenly drew her attention. She turned and was startled by the face of a young Tryker who looked at her with a mischievious grin on his lips. How had he arrived there without her realizing it?!

“Hello Lixie," said the young one.

"I suppose that you are Dante?”

The Tryker laughed before answering, “The one and only! Everything is ready?”

She merely nodded. If Sirgio left her ill at ease with his strange idea to put in his scene a miniature reproduction of Aen, Pei-Zao and of herself, this young homin froze her quite simply, only with his smile… But she, the ever proud and powerful marauder, would not show it, and her cold gaze testified the same.


It is well known that a messenger can travel long distances quickly, but nothing compares to the rumor which swallows them with disconcerting speed. So, a strange rumor came over the New Lands, reaching the ears of Fyros, Matis, Trykers and Zoraï', as to a funny game that was going to be held in Aeden Aqueous very soon and that all homins of the New Lands were invited.

An angel's smile would wait for them there…*

[*] World Event on Wednesday, 26 May at 19:00 GMT in Fairhaven, all nations and religions are welcome!
