


Amber Cube of Nung Horongi

Added by Stories of Atys about 15 years ago

The analysis of the amber cube fragments of the traitor Nung Horongi found in the Witherings follows:


My studies about our land are just concluded and I am glad about my return. I have summarized my knowledge about the amber cube but have decided to break it in ten parts so no one else but you can acquire it. Nine fragments will be sent via my agents while I deliver the last myself.

The Goo has two effects. To the one it works on all natural materials and accelerates their decay. This effect is recycling. Indeed, are there other ways to accelerate the decay of natural materials than the use of Goo. However, the Goo also reacts very violently with all magic, regardless of the distance. In particular where the magic of the Kamis is concerned. Because the magic was spread by the Kamis on Atys, it is basically the side effect which expresses itself in the end. The process of this disintegration is much slower and is partial as this Goo spreads much more slowly.

If a Kami touches the Goo their behavior changes immediately. The Kami becomes becomes stripped of personality and will appear as an empty husk. However, if a Kami comes in contact with an excessive amount of Goo they do not survive. I have also observed how the Goo has strengthened in intense magical activities, but for it I have not yet found the reason.

Under the bark the Goo spreads quickly through the sap veins. There are many tendrils of the trees that are used by the Goo to spread quickly through the veins which are connected together.

On the surface it seems to make headway more slowly. It spreads over the air and infects slowly only to move in a very fast manner after pollution has begun. Infected animals serve only as conveyors and are not killed by the toxicity of the Goo. Indeed, the behavior is completely changed: they are very aggressive, strong and completely controlled by the Goo. The Homins of the new lands call these creatures 'bosses' and without realizing that these animals are struck by the Goo.

The Homins are not infected in the same way. The consequences seem to limit themselves to the confusion of the mind, a madness. Besides magic, Homins barely seem to corrupt the Goo. The reason for this difference, I think, is the origin of the energy used in the manipulation of magical, or so was seen in the observation of Muang. I have seen when he did not use his own energy reserves to manipulate magical forces a weak Goo was spontaneously generated and it was not corrupted by magic. On the contrary, when I observed his use of homin techniques Goo generation took place. More importantly, the combination of more complex magical spells, without being depleted, the Goo appeared and destroyed other magic objects for which it should have added power.

Perhaps you should have examined the Goo relationship further before you took his word on it.

