


In the King's Chambers

Added by jaliun over 15 years ago

Preparations for the ceremony progressed rapidly. The King was proud of it. Finally, a resurgence, excitement ... It was good to see the palace in a lively spirit which had not been seen for a long time.

He looked at the parchment that he held in his hands, his eyes posed on the date written by the hand of Miagio. The ceremony would take place 23h on Frutor 29, 2nd AC 2548(JY) *.

This time, he would make the ceremony public. His orders were clear, his desires well defined. This day, the people would have an appointment with history and their King. On this day, Yrkanis life would finally resume.

[*] Saturday 21 November 19:00 GMT and Sunday 22 November 02:00 GMT
